Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

Natatlie's Blog:

I really enjoyed seeing the "posed" picture that Natalie took because it is original and it isn't just the normal posed picture of someone or something. Natalie took a look on the other side of "posed."

My least favorite photo would have to be of the prompt "the end."Just because of the content. The picture is very good but personally I would have put a little more detail into this photo to make it a little more exciting.

On Natalies prompt shoot, I enjoyed how she was very creative with the prompts she was given and how she executed them.
Another thing I saw was how she went out of the ordinary with her photos which is always nice to see.

One thing to improve on would be to bring a little more life into the photos to make them more exciting but then again I really enjoyed all of her photos so there is really nothing to say here.

"Connected" was the prompt that was best portrayed because it showed how the two stems were working together.

"Eight" was the prompt that was least portrayed because it is just very straight forward.

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