A. The most powerful moment in the slideshow is image #7. As Ian leaves for the first time, his family has been "hit" with reality of Ian's choice to join the Army and will not be able to see him for a said amount of time.
B. Set #1 at home in Denver- from image #1 to image #9
Set #2 at Basic Training- from image #16 to #28
Set #3 In Iraq- from image #51 to #70
Set #4 back in Denver- from image #71 to #82
Set #2 was the most powerful to see in the slideshow because seeing Ian in training shows how real this is and that you can't go back.
C. The images in the slide show work together to tell a story of a man who joins the Army right out of high school, and the process he goes through getting there, during, and after.
A. For the photos in which Ian is the main subject, the verbs are written in present tense.
B. The captions enhance the photographs by telling exactly what is happening and how people's feelings are affected by the acts of Ian.
Image #18
As Ian holds his bag in the air, he is desperately hoping that his commander will let them put it down soon. Ian is now aware of the consequences.
Image #44 Ian faces the harsh reality of the army and not having the availability of going home to see his family on his own time. Ian stresses out over this news that he is given. |