1. I found that square and metal were the hardest to shoot because trying to find something not just square or metal, is a lot harder than it looks. At the same time, you are trying to think outside of the box, making it more complicating.
2. I thought about focus a lot and by doing so, I held down on the button half way so the camera could automatically focus in on the subject.
3. If I had the chance to do this photo shoot again, I would have some of the backgrounds plain and not having something there to distract the focus from the subject.
4. I would still use some of the photo rules that I learned from my last year Journalism class like leading lines, worm's eye view, etc.
5. In my happy photo, it looked like the tree was the girls hair, which is no bueno.
6. No I am not interested in shooting the same prompt because I do not want to shoot the same type of photo but in a different format.
Link to student's blog:
I really love how simple and clean the photos are. They aren't over complicated and they look really professional even if it is just a simple photo. Great job on achieving simplicity!
The one thing Melina could improve one would be, working on Rule of Thirds. A lot of the photos are centered which sort of makes the photo plain.