Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. The main points of the story is the people who are photoshopping are being careless and not really thinking about what they are doing. The one photo where he/she photoshopped the women out of the picture is just wrong. Women can do just as much as men.

B. The people who are photoshopping the original photos don't realize how many lives they are effecting just by a few clicks. On the National Geographic Magazine, they just moved the pyramids to fit the magazine and to make the cover look more appealing. No harm was done except some misleading.

This is very unethical because whoever manipulated this photo made the soldier look like a horrible person when he is trying to save the man and his child from harm. Changing the content in this photo is/ was an awful thing to do.

In this photo, all they did was lighten the photo. The content and composition have not been changed, therefore, no harm, no foul.