Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Top 40 Photos

Selecting this photo, made me realize how attached people are to their  pets. Pets are like humans that create relationships with their owners and become connected one way or another. I love the way the photographer composed this photo how Cosby mainly focused the lens on the owner and the dog and got the true colors in the photo by putting in the right shutter speed to get the right amount of lighting. This photo got top 40 because it shows the real reality of coming close to losing something or someone really close to you.

I found this photo interesting because of the time lapse that the sisters went through to create these photos.  It is sad to see that the sister on the right passed away but it just shows the true relationship they had/have. I love that photographer had the photos in black and white to give the photo more character. This photo got top 40 because viewers love to see time after time photos to think about the past. Photographer: Unknown. 

The reason I chose this photo is because it captures a moment showing that not everyone in this world is good even if they are working for the Police. This photo displays that the officer has done a wrong doing and has to be punished just like anyone else would because they are not above the law. The photographer really captured the moment of embarrassment that the officer has in front of everyone around him. This photo made top 40 because it represents that everyone is equal. Photographer: Johnny Milano.

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