Timeliness: "Almost Famous"
This article represents timeliness because the article was recently posted only a few minutes ago, making the facts new and updated. This is an example about timeliness because it tells all the new updates of this upcoming star.
Proximity: "Lineups for SXSW parties coming together" Link
This is an example of proximity because SXSW is a popular event that happens in Austin yearly and because it was posted in the Austin American Statesman. Because it happens in Austin and it was written about in Austin, it makes it a proximity.
Prominence: "Australian leader Outlines Crackdown on Terrorism"
This article shows prominence because it is talking about how the leader of Australia is locking down on the rules about terrorism and sticking to it. It shows how important it is to talk about what is happening and with new rules, how to follow them.
Impact: "Oscars Extra"
This is an example of impact because with the Oscars happening last night, the awards effect what movies people might be seeing in the future if they haven't already seen them. Oscars play a huge role on how is excellent in their field of work, rewarding them with awards.
Conflict: "Document Reveals Growth of Cyberwarfare Between the U.S. and Iran"
This article shows conflict because the United States and Iran are using cyberweapons to spy and sabotage each other. Iran has deputed a nuclear program against the United States.
Human Interest: "Fighting is long over, But Western Sahara Still lacks Peace"
This shows human interest because people living in Western Sahara are still struggling to get peace.
With un-fullflled promises, citizens find it hard to find peace.
Novelty: "25 Thoughts New England Students had this winter"
This article is novelty because it is an unusual story to be written and hopefully most people get a laugh out of reading it. It isn't your usual depressed story, its a fun read.
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