Friday, January 16, 2015

Yearbook Intro

Things every Yearbook should have:

  1. Title
  2. Year
  3. School Name
  4. Themes
  5. Neat layout
  6. Unique stories
  7. Colors that attract the eye
  8. No spelling/ grammar errors
  9. Table of Contents 
  10. Team photos
  11. Club photos
  12. Pictures of what people do outside of school
  13. What trends are in
  14. A section of funny jokes
  15. At least one photo on a spread
  16. Index of all students from school
  17. Glossary
  18. Quality photos
  19. Photographer information
  20. Captions for photos
  21. Numbers on pages
  22. The same theme carried out through yearbook
  23. Stories to go along with the photos in the the spread
  24. Classes- Underclassmen and upperclassmen
  25. Advertising 

Yearbook questions:
  1. Name: (Cactus)- Momentum
  2. School: Texas University 
  3. Same corresponding fonts, colors, and themes that apply to the spreads.
  4. 7 sections in the yearbook
  5. My favorite spread in this yearbook is where some of the sorority girls are giving back to little kids by dressing up like Cat in the Hat and reading to the kids. 
  6. Yes there is an Index
  7. Yes there are photos of clubs and organizations
  8. Yes there is a Table of Contents
  9. Roughly 8,760 students
  10. Texas

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