Monday, September 8, 2014

 In this photo, I really love how I focused the lens on Meghan's face to really bring the photo together. I love the fact that the background is still and there is no distraction to cause the viewers attention to differ in viewing this photo. In this shot, I really adore that I got the "school feeling" in the background. The lighting in this photo is good, but the gleam on the table is sort of bothersome is really a make or break for me.

I dislike this photo because in the background, there are other people to distract the viewers from the main subject. I also wish I could have gotten Cooper in focus and good timing for Meghan. Getting a good shot of Cooper and Meghan to show the regular routine of a Bowie student walking up the stairs to go to class was really important to me but in this photo, I did not capture it the way I wanted to.

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