Friday, September 26, 2014

Academic Shoot Preview Assignment 2

On page 21, the picture I chose was the one of the boy nailing a board to another post and he is wearing a camo jacket. 
1. I chose this photo because it makes me think that the boy is helping out with his community which is really pleasing to see. 
2. The photo rules that are seen in this photo are the wooden boards are framing the boy's face and the posts are leading up to the hammer hammering in the nail. Also, the photographer avoided having the wooden board that he is holding look like it's coming out of his head. 

Part 2
1. I could take photos like the ones shown in classrooms that are doing action and not sitting down and listening to a lecture. There are already enough photos of that so I would like to capture something different. 
2. I would like to take photos in Theater classrooms and electives. Elective classes seem to always be doing something fun so I would like to display that. 
3. I would like to stand on the top of chairs to get a bird's eye view for my photo and rule of thirds. Having a photo that falls into the rule of thirds, it is a lot more interesting. 

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